Ebinazar Namdas and Shih-Chun Lo Report Method for Suppressing Singlet-triplet Annihilation for Organic Lasers

13 Nov 2020

A/Profs Lo and Namdas have published a method for suppressing singlet-triplet annihilation to increase the stability of a laser dye under CW irradiation, an important step towards the development of organic laser diodes. Solid cyclooctatetraene-based triplet quencher demonstrating excellent suppression of singlet-triplet annihilation in optical and electrical excitation Mai VTN, Ahmad V, Mamada M, Fukunaga T, Shukla A, Sobus J, Krishnan G, Moore EG, Andersson GG, Adachi C, Namdas EB, Lo SC. Nat Commun. 2020 Nov 6;11(1):5623. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19443-z.



